Adult Christian Education
Christian education is not the transmission of an abstract, intellectual “body of knowledge” that involves nothing more than mental assent. Rather, it is the “handing on” (the literal meaning of the Greek word paradosis which is normally translated “tradition”) of a deep, experiential knowledge of the crucified and risen Lord. It is, quite literally, the handing over of a relationship to the Truth which demanded a total re-orientation of one’s life toward the coming Kingdom of God.
This is perhaps the most fundamental difference between secular and Christian education. For the Christian, the Truth is not merely a datum or an abstract formula, but a Person, the Person of the Word of God made flesh, the Lord Jesus. Orthodoxy, then, is not merely a mental assent to true “belief” but a betrothal, an intensely personal, one-on-one relationship. This is clearly expressed by the historical development of the words “betrothal” and “truth” in the English language: both words have the same linguistic root. Thus, in English, the very word “truth” implies relationship, a “pledging of one’s troth,” as used to be said in old English, a total commitment of one’s whole life and hope.
Christian education, taken from the Latin “e-ducere,” meaning “to lead,” is to be led ever more deeply into a relationship with Christ, the Truth. Because the goal of Christian education is an ever deepening relationship with Christ it is a life-long process. And the fruit of this ever-deepening, life-long relationship is nothing less than the gradual restoration of the image of God in our frail and broken humanity. The final result of a Christian education is the making of individual Christians into living icons of God’s compassion and holiness and the Christian community what it is by definition – the Body of Christ in the world.
So many opportunities for study!
Bible Studies
Saint Paul’s offers two Bible study courses each week.
Women’s Bible Study meets year-round on Thursday mornings from 10am until 11 am via Zoom and occasionally also in person (hybrid). Contact the Church Office to receive the Zoom link
The Monday Night Bible Study “for everyone” meets from September through May exclusively on Zoom on Mondays from 7:30-8:30 pm. Contact the Church Office to receive the Zoom link
The Orthodox Koinonia Bible Study meets on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00 pm.
Book Studies
Saint Paul’s offers two Book studies: The Women’s Study Fellowship, which meets every other Monday evening at 6:30 pm, and the Orthodox-Catholic Book Study, which meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month, alternating meeting locations between Saint Paul’s, Saint John Neumann Roman Catholic Church and Saint Paul’s Coptic Orthodox Church.
Click to learn more about: Women’s Study Fellowship
Click to learn more about: Orthodox-Catholic Book Study
Studies in Orthodoxy
Orthodoxy 101 is a 20 week course, taught by our Pastor, Fr. Steven Tsichlis. The course is suitable for enquirers and anyone interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian Faith. Click to learn more about “Orthodoxy 101”
A “short” Basic Course in Orthodox Theology is taught by Dr. Eve Tibbs and meets on Wednesday evenings every Spring in May and June, for 5 weeks. (5:00-6:50 via Zoom, and 7:00-9:00 in-person) It is appropriate for adults and older teens who are interested in learning more about the Theology, ideas, terms, and dogmas of Orthodoxy. The format includes lecture, discussion with visual presentations. Each session is self-contained and no series commitment is required. Click to learn more about: “A short Basic Course in Orthodox Theology”