Family worship begins at 9:30.  Students are dismissed to their classes after Holy Communion.

Registration is required.  Please use the form below to register all students in your family.

Church School Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

Parent Name: *
Parent Phone:*
Parent Email: *
Number of students you are enrolling [1-4]:*
Student 1 Name: *
Student #1 Birthdate: m/d/yyyy (e.g. 9/5/2021)
Allergies, medical issues, or anything else we should know about for Student #1.
Student 1 Grade*
Student 2 Name:
Student #2 Birthdate: m/d/yyyy (e.g. 9/5/2021)
Allergies, medical issues, or anything else we should know about for Student #2
Student 2 Grade
Student 3 Name
Student #3 Birthdate: m/d/yyyy (e.g. 9/5/2021)
Allergies, medical issues, or anything else we should know about for Student #3
Student 3 Grade
Student 4 Name
Student #4 Birthdate: m/d/yyyy (e.g. 9/5/2021)
Allergies, medical issues, or anything else we should know about for Student #4
Student 4 Grade
Word Verification:

What your student should know

Objectives by grade level


High School

  • Contemporary Moral Issues (9th/10th grades)
  • Teenage Ten Commandments (9th/10th grades)
  • Come Receive the Light Bible Studies, vol. 1
  • Come Receive the Light Bible Studies, vol. 2
  • Who Is God? Who Am I? Who is my Neighbor? (11th/12th grades)
3/4 yr. olds

CoTeachers: Elleni Conley, Jackie Nauroth, Katherine Canellos

5 Yrs. & Kindergarten

Co-Teacher: Carol Lovato

Co-Teacher: Cassiani Kateyiannis

Aide: Sherie Sardis

Aides: Debbie Neforos, Eleni Katelari

1st//2nd Grades

Co-Teacher: Bea Dargavel

Co-Teacher: Monica Leontas

Aide: Andrea Britigan

Aide: Jennifer Durban

Aide: Joann Cokas

3rd /4th Grade

Co-Teacher: Denise Canellos

Co-Teacher: Maria Conley

Aide: Aurora Djurdjulov

5th/6th Grade

Co-Teacher: Lydia Pearson

Co-Teacher: Tom Neforos

Aides: Megan Perry, Kassiani Olutade

7th/8th Grade

Co-Teacher: Steve Tibbs

Co-Teacher: Jim Leontas

Aide: Kevin Gallagher

9th/10th Grade

Co-Teacher: Dean Langis

Co-Teacher Patricia Schneider-Zioga

11th/12th Grade
Co-Teacher: John Britigan
Co-Teacher: Dorothea Love
Co-Teacher: Jennifer Hampson
Co-Teacher: Cherise Matthews
Special Ed. Coordinator: Helen Condas

Oratorical Festival Chair:
Maria Conley, Denise Canellos

Youth Choir: Director: Andrea Fouts; Asst. Director: Jennifer Hampson

Church School Board of Directors

Andrea Fouts, Denise Canellos, Jim Leontas, Dorothea Love , Cherise Matthews, MaryAnne Smith, Eve Tibbs, Steve Tibbs

Great and Holy Friday Retreat – May 2024

A glimpse at the Great and Holy Friday Student Retreat