Orthodox Perspectives on Human Sexuality & Biomedical Ethics
by Fr. Stanley Harakas
Excerpt: “Everyone living today is sensitive to the fact that medical science is making enormous advances. Not only are illnesses being treated with remarkable computerized diagnostic machines, exotic technologies, and new drug therapies, but average people are now faced with an amazing array of alternatives each time a medically related problem arises.”
by Fr. Stanley Harakas
Excerpt: “A major and overarching concern of the Church arises with its commitment to the God-given sanctity of human life. Some of the developments of the biological manipulation of human life, though promising and amazing therapeutic achievements, may also be understood as undermining respect for the integrity of human existence.”
by Dr. Bradley Nassif
Excerpt: “G. K. Chesterton once said that one should never tear down a fence unless he knows why it was put there in the frst place. In this article, I will attempt to explain some of the foundational reasons why the Church has put a fence around its beliefs regarding the nature and purpose of human sexuality.”
by Fr. John Breck
Excerpt: “Recent discussions in the area of bioethics have focused the public’s attention almost exclusively on the issues of embryonic stem cell research and the cloning of human embryos. These are crucial issues that threaten to undermine the conviction, basic to Orthodox Christianity, that human life is inherently sacred and deserves to be nurtured and protected from conception until death.”
by Fr. John Breck
Excerpt: “Not long ago, the American press reported, with a combination of shock and amusement, some fantastic developments Italian scientists had achieved in the domain of procreative medicine. Given the relative ease with which embryos can be created these days in vitro, Italian specialists in the field of MAP (medically assisted procreation) were enabling post-menopausal women to become pregnant…”
by Frederica Matthewes-Green
Excerpt: “Thirty years ago, when I was an idealistic college student, I volunteered at a feminist newspaper called “off our backs.” The Roe v Wade decision happened the first month I worked there. Our editorial said it didn’t go far enough, because Roe requires a woman to have medical reason for abortion in the third trimester.”
by Frederica Mathewes-Green
Excerpt: “Iam looking at a painting of a woman with her arms upraised in prayer. But her eyes are not closed, or even lifted up; they gaze out at the viewer with steady solemnity.
The most startling thing about this image is at its center. Upon the woman’s red-robed torso rests a large circle, and this disk represents her womb. Within it we see her unborn child, clothed and haloed, surrounded by stars and radiant as the sun. His hand is lifted in blessing. This icon, The Mother of God of the Sign, recalls the familiar prophecy of Isaiah: “The Lord will give you a sign: behold, a virgin will conceive and bear a son …” (Isaiah 7:14)”
by Fr. Steven Tsichlis
Excerpt: “Rapid advances in modern medicine have opened up vast new vistas in an effort to prolong human life and eradicate disease. One of the most dramatic of these breakthroughs is the transplantation of vital organs from one person to another. A healthy human being can donate a kidney, part of his or her liver, bone marrow, and blood without serious long term health risks. Surgeons can transplant many additional organs, such as the heart and lungs, intestines, pancreas, and the corneas, if the donor is already deceased.”
Orthodox Christian Morality in Public: Reflections on Sexuality and Bioethics
What is a person? Is our culture confused about what [...]
Gender as Icon and Vocation with Dr. Phil Mamalakis
How do we respond as Orthodox to the changing cultural [...]
Part 1: How Should Orthodox Parents Talk to Their Kids About Homosexuality?
One of the extremely complicated issues with which Orthodox parents [...]
Part 2: How Should Orthodox Parents Talk to Their Kids About Homosexuality?
This follow-up program features specific questions that children might ask [...]
The Role of Gender and Sexuality in the Christian Life
Talk by Fr. Thomas Hopko at the 2012 Diocese of the South Pastoral Conference, Holy Ascension Orthodox Church, Mt Pleasant, SC.