Finding One’s Calling in Life
Finding One’s Calling in Life by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) Everyone Has a Calling God creates every human being in His image and likeness for everlasting life. There are no mistakes and no accidents. As the saying goes, "God makes no junk." Everyone, or, in Biblical language, the "many" are called. But [...]
Eucharistic Discipline in the Orthodox Church
Eucharistic Discipline in the Orthodox Church excerpted from Speaking the Truth in Love (pp . 115 – 117), SVS Press, 2004 by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) People of whatever convictions - theistic or atheistic, Christian or non-Christian - who behave in an orderly and respectful manner may attend liturgical services in the Orthodox Church, [...]
The Narrow Way of Orthodoxy
The Narrow Way of Orthodoxy excerpted from St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 1-2 (1996) by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) “...narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be who find it.” (Mt 7:14). The holy fathers teach us never to give advice unless we [...]
Preparation for Holy Communion
Preparation for Holy Communion Article from Orthodox Education Day Book October 7, 2000 by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) Committed Orthodox Christians order and measure their lives in this world from communion to communion. We greet the Lord’s Day each week with the eager expectation of entering into holy communion [...]