
A Western Guide to Eastern Orthodox Theology – Hank Hanegraaff Interview with Dr. Eve Tibbs

Despite being the second largest Christian communion globally, Eastern Orthodox Theology is unknown or misunderstood for most people living in the West.  Hank Hanegraaff interviewed Dr. Eve Tibbs on his podcast to discuss the basic ideas of Eastern Orthodox Christianity—from its origins at Pentecost to the present day.  "Dr. Eve Tibbs has written the preeminent [...]


Part 1: How Should Orthodox Parents Talk to Their Kids About Homosexuality?

One of the extremely complicated issues with which Orthodox parents must contend these days is that of homosexuality. How do we talk to our kids about same-sex desires and relationships and how do we do so with the sensitivity, nuance, and frankness that the topic requires?


Gender as Icon and Vocation with Dr. Phil Mamalakis

How do we respond as Orthodox to the changing cultural perceptions of gender, sexuality, and marriage? How are we to understand and respond to those who change their sexual identity or claim that it’s unfair to deprive some people of marriage just because they are “gay”? How do we equip our children to navigate these [...]


Orthodox Christian Morality in Public: Reflections on Sexuality and Bioethics

What is a person? Is our culture confused about what a person is? What is morality? What does it mean to be moral? How does sex fit in? What about homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research and assisted suicide? How should we as Orthodox Christians live regarding these matters? How should we talk to our [...]

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