
Finding One’s Calling in Life

Finding One’s Calling in Life by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) Everyone Has a Calling God creates every human being in His image and likeness for everlasting life. There are no mistakes and no accidents. As the saying goes, "God makes no junk." Everyone, or, in Biblical language, the "many" are called. But [...]

Eucharistic Discipline in the Orthodox Church

Eucharistic Discipline in the Orthodox Church excerpted from Speaking the Truth in Love (pp . 115 – 117),  SVS Press, 2004 by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) People of whatever convictions - theistic or atheistic, Christian or non-Christian - who behave in an orderly and respectful manner may attend liturgical services in the Orthodox Church, [...]

The Narrow Way of Orthodoxy

The Narrow Way of Orthodoxy excerpted from St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 1-2 (1996) by Father Thomas Hopko (1939-2015) “...narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be who find it.” (Mt 7:14). The holy fathers teach us never to give advice unless we [...]

Consequences of the Fall

Consequences of the Fall by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia an excerpt from his book, The Orthodox Way   Created for fellowship with the Holy Trinity, called to advance in love from the divine image to the divine likeness, man chose instead a path that led not up but down. He repudiated the Godward relationship [...]

Great Lent: The Season of Repentance

Great Lent: The Season of Repentance by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) Repentance marks the starting point of our journey as believers. “Jesus began to preach, saying: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). The Greek term metanoia signifies primarily a “change of mind.” In approaching God, we are to change [...]


Coming Home to God

Coming Home to God: The Meaning of the Lenten and Paschal Season From beginning to end the lenten and paschal services of this special season in the Church’s life call us to return to God our Father. The theme of the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) runs through the entire season. The [...]



Why Are Priests Called Father in Your Church? by Fr. Steven Tsichlis Recently, in a conversation with someone who attends a "non-denominational" church, the question was asked: "Why are priests called 'Father' in your Church? This is not what the Bible teaches! Doesn't Jesus Himself say, 'Call no man on earth [...]


Frequently Asked Questions About the Orthodox Church by Fr. Steven Tsichlis

Frequently Asked Questions About the Orthodox Church by Fr. Steven Tsichlis Many people believe that in order to be Christian, you must be a member of a Roman Catholic, Protestant or more recently, a non-denominational church. As Orthodox Christians, we are catholic, but not Roman Catholic. Catholic is a Greek word that means [...]

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